Easy prey for the predator’s eyes: new predation record of a bird of prey (Accipitriformes: Accipitridae) on Ameiva ameiva (Squamata: Teiidae) in Brazil and the state of current knowledge on predators of this lizard species




Palabras clave:

Ave de rapina, calango-verde, gavião-caboclo, interação predador-presa, lagarto


The teiid Ameiva ameiva is commonly found in natural or anthropized open environments throughout South America, part of Central America and Florida, whereit was introduced. As A. ameiva has a wide range and common occurrence, several reports of predation events on this teiid are available in the literature. However,
only a few predation records of A. ameiva were reported in a review on predators of Squamata considered a limited source of data. In this paper we documented the predation of the Savanna hawk Heterospizias meridionalis on a specimen of A. ameiva in southeastern Brazil. In addition, we updated the list of predators of A. ameiva, seeking to determine if there is any specific group of predators that exert greater pressure on this lizard. We found only two records of predation by H. meridionalis on A. ameiva, in Suriname and in Costa Rica respectively. Thus, we report the predatory interaction between H. meridionalis and A. ameiva in Brazil for the first time. In our review, we found 111 records of predation of A. ameiva distributed in six countries and identified 61 species of vertebrates and one of  invertebrates as predators. Among vertebrates, the highest number of species was recorded for reptiles (32 species), followed by birds (15 species), mammals (13 species) and amphibians (one species). Snakes constituted the main group of predators of A. ameiva. Furthermore, we found 47 species not previously listed, increasing the predator richness to 62 species.


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Easy prey for the predator’s eyes: new predation record of a bird of prey (Accipitriformes: Accipitridae) on Ameiva ameiva (Squamata: Teiidae) in Brazil and the state of current knowledge on predators of this lizard species



Cómo citar

de Faria Silva, L., Roland Tavares, L. E., & Oda, F. (2023). Easy prey for the predator’s eyes: new predation record of a bird of prey (Accipitriformes: Accipitridae) on Ameiva ameiva (Squamata: Teiidae) in Brazil and the state of current knowledge on predators of this lizard species. Acta Zoológica Lilloana, 67(1), 51–69. https://doi.org/10.30550/j.azl/2023.67.1/2023-01-26
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