C. B. Margaría et al.: Parasitoid Wasp Inostemma striaticornu in Argentina
Abstract Some species of the genus Inostemma have been recorded in pests associ-
ated with numerous botanical families, the current work records the presence of the men-
tioned parasitoid in an area of high plant diversity in La Plata, Argentina. The parasitoid wasp
Inostemma striaticornu Buhl (Platygastrinae) is mentioned for the first time in the country in
bell pepper crops.
Keywords: Platygastrid, La Plata, geographical distribution.
Resumen Algunas especies del género Inostemma han sido registradas en plagas
asociadas a numerosas familias botánicas, aquí se registra la presencia del parasitoide en
un área con gran diversidad vegetal en La Plata, Argentina. Se cita por primera vez la avispa
parasitoide Inostemma striaticornu Buhl (Platygastrinae) en el país en cultivos de pimiento.
Palabras clave: Platigástridos, La Plata, distribución geográfica.
Avispa parasitoide Inostemma striaticornu Buhl (Hymenoptera:
Platygastridae) en cultivos de pimiento en Argentina
Cecilia B. Margaría
, Peter Neerup Buhl
, Daniel Alejandro Aquino
E. Mónica Ricci
Zoología Agrícola, Centro de Investigación en Sanidad Vegetal, Facultad de Ciencias Agrarias y Fo-
restales, Universidad Nacional de La Plata, 60 y 119, 1900, La Plata, Buenos Aires, Argentina.
Museo de La Plata, Universidad Nacional de La Plata, Paseo del Bosque sin número, La Plata, Buenos
Aires, Argentina.
The Natural History Museum of Denmark, Zoological Museum, Universitetsparken 15, DK-2100 Co-
penhagen, Denmark.
Centro de Estudios Parasitológicos y de Vectores (CEPAVE) (CONICET-UNLP). Boulevard 120 entre 60
y 64, La Plata, Buenos Aires, Argentina.
ä Ref. bibliográfica: Margaría, C. B., Buhl, P. N., Aquino, D. A., Ricci, E. M. (2018). Parasitoid Wasp
Inostemma striaticornu Buhl (Hymenoptera: Platygastridae) in Crops of Bell Pepper in Argentina. Acta
zoológica lilloana 62 (1): 4246.
ä Recibido: 05/11/17 Aceptado: 17/04/18
ä URL de la revista: http://actazoologica.lillo.org.ar
ä Algunos derechos reser vados. Esta obra está bajo una Licencia
Creative Commons Atribución No Comercial Sin Obra Derivada
4.0 Internacional.
D . O . I . : h t t p s : / / d o i . o r g / 1 0 . 3 0 5 5 0 / j . a z l / 2 0 1 8 . 6 2 . 1 / 5
Parasitoid Wasp Inostemma striaticornu Buhl (Hymenoptera:
Platygastridae) in Crops of Bell Pepper in Argentina
Platygastroidea is the third largest super-
family in Hymenoptera, with approximately
5800 species grouped in 270 genera described
worldwide. In the Neotropical Region, about
420 species belonging to 90 genera have been
recorded (Arias Penna, 2002). In Argentina,
more than 80 species were recorded (Loiá-
cono, 1998; Loiácono et al2002; Masner &
Huggert, 1989; Vlug, 1995). Platygastroidea
is represented by species in almost all regions
of the world with the exception of the polar
region. Phylogenetic analysis conducted by
Acta zoológica lilloana 62 (1): 4246, 30 de junio 2018
Acta zoológica lilloana 62 (1): 4246, 30 de junio 2018
Murphy et al. (2007) and Sharkey (2007) re-
sulted in the consideration of Scelionidae and
Platygastridae within the Platygastroidea fam-
ily, based on priority. This family contains five
subfamilies: Teleasinae, Telenominae, Sceli-
oninae, Sceliotrachelinae and Platygastrinae.
The first three subfamilies are exclusively egg
parasitoids, parasitizing eggs of Lepidoptera,
Hemiptera, Orthoptera, Embioptera, Cole-
optera, Odonata, Mantodea, Neuroptera and
spider eggs, mainly of the families Araneidae
and Theridiidae (Masner, 1976; Austin &
Field, 1997; Margaría, 2008; Margaría et al.,
2014). Platygastrinae are known to parasitize
eggs and early larval stages of Diptera (Ceci-
domyiidae), which are predominant in Chile
and New Zealand, while Sceliotrachelinae are
egg parasitoids of Coleoptera (Curculionidae
and Cerambycidae), Hemiptera (Flatidae)
and nymphs of whiteflies, aphids and scales
(Hemiptera: Aleyrodidae, Pseudoccocidae,
Aphididae) (ICAR-NBAIR, 2016; Fernández
& Sharkey, 2006).
Within Platygastrinae, Inostemma Haliday
is cosmopolitan, with nine species recorded
in the Neotropical Region (Table 1). Samples
were collected on Asteraceae, Brassicaceae,
Caprifoliaceae, Ephedraceae, emerged from
galls of Brassicaceae, from larvae and pu-
pae of Cecidomyiidae (Diptera), and from
galls produced by Aphalaridae (Hemiptera)
and Cynipidae (Hymenoptera) (Johnson,
Since species of the genus Inostemma
have been reported in pests associated with
numerous botanical families, we aimed at
recording the presence of the parasitoid in
an area with high plant diversity in La Plata,
The site covers an area of 64 hectares with
a wide diversity of crops: extensive crops in-
cluding wheat (Triticum spp.), oat (Avena
spp.), corn (Zea mays L.), sorghum [Sorghum
bicolor (L.) Moench], and soybean [Glycine
max (L.) Merr.]; intensive protected crops,
namely, bell pepper (Capsicum annuum L. var.
Table 1. Neotropical species of the genus Inostemma Haliday. Geographical and biogeographi-
cal distribution, hosts, and references.
Tabla 1. Especies Neotropicales del género Inostemma Haliday. Distribucn geográfica y bio-
geográfica, hospedadores y referencias.
I. bermudianum Buhl
I. bicornutum Ashmead
I. mendozanum Bthes
I. microcerum Kieffer
& Jörgensen
I. noyesi Buhl
I. porteri Brèthes
I. rex Buhl
I. simillimum Ashmead
I. striaticornu Buhl
Warwick (Bermuda)
Saint Vincent
Mendoza (Argentina)
Chacras de Coria, Luján de
Cuyo, Mendoza (Argentina)
o Blanco, Valparso,
Nova Teutonia (Brazil)
Saint Vincent
Isla de Coiba (Panamá)
Geographic al
Biogeograp hical
(Morrone, 2001)
Host Reference
Caribbean/Trinidad &
Andean/Central Chilean
Parana/Parana Forest
Panamanian Isthmus
Contarinia ¿juniperina?
(Diptera: Cecidomyiidae)
Baccharis juncea (Lehm)
Desf. (Asteraceae)
Buhl, 2011
Ashmead, 1894
Brèthes, 1910
Kieffer & Jörgensen,
Buhl, 2011
Brèthes, 1918
Buhl, 2011
Ashmead, 1894
Buhl, 2002
C. B. Margaría et al.: Parasitoid Wasp Inostemma striaticornu in Argentina
annuum), tomato (Solanum lycopersicum L.),
eggplant (Solanum melongena L.), and cab-
bage (Brassica oleracea var. capitata L.); open-
air crops, such as bell pepper, pumpkin (Cu-
curbita pepo L.), and sweet corn; aromatics,
mainly oregano (Origanum vulgare L.) and
peppermint (Mentha spp.); and fruit: peach
[Prunus persica (L.) Batsch], plum (Prunus
subgen. Prunus), apple (Malus x domestica
Borkh.), pear (Pyrus comunis L.), grapevine
(Vitis spp.), and olive tree (Olea europaea L.).
The area also presents forest plantations of
willow (Salix spp.), poplar (Populus spp.) and
eucalyptus (Eucalyptus spp.), and spontane-
ous flora including Sorghum halepense (L.)
Pers. and Brassica rapa L.
In 2015, while monitoring the open-air
crops with entomological net at «Estación
Experimental Julio Hirschhörn» (School of
Agriculture and Forest Sciences, National
University of La Plata, Los Hornos local-
ity, La Plata, Buenos Aires, Argentina
34º59’05.84”S; 57º59’49.80”O—), we noted
the presence of Inostemma striaticornu Buhl
Figure 1. Inostemma striaticornu Buhl. a) lateral view, b) dorsal view. Scale: 0.1 mm.
Figura 1. Inostemma striaticornu Buhl. a) vista lateral, b) vista dorsal. Escala: 0,1 mm.
Acta zoológica lilloana 62 (1): 4246, 30 de junio 2018
(Fig. 1 a-b) only in bell pepper crops (Cap-
sicum annuum L. var. annuum, Solanaceae).
This species is only known in Panama. This is
the first record of this parasitoid wasp in the
Province of La Pampa in the Chaco Biogeo-
graphical Region, Argentina. Platygastroid
sample measurements and photographs were
taken with a Leica DFC290 digital camera at-
tached to a Leica S8APO stereomicroscope.
Parasitoids were identified using taxonomic
keys to the species (Buhl, 2011) and original
species description (Buhl, 2002). Entomo-
logical materials (20
, 22-iv-2015, Aquino
& Gallardo colls.) were housed in the collec-
tion of the Entomology Division, Museo de
La Plata (MLP, for its abbreviation in Span-
ish), Argentina.
Locono et al. (2002) emphasize the
need of performing further studies on the bi-
odiversity of platygastrids in the Neotropical
Region, particularly in Argentina, being the
third species of Inostemma recorded in the
country. This information will allow a better
taxonomic knowledge of native parasitoid
species and parasitoid-host associations.
Thanks are due to Secretaría de Ciencia
y Técnica, Universidad Nacional de La Plata
(UNLP, for its abbreviation in Spanish) and
Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científi-
cas y Técnicas (CONICET, for its acronym in
Spanish) for providing financial support.
Thanks are due to Secretaría de Ciencia
y Técnica, Universidad Nacional de La Plata
(UNLP, for its abbreviation in Spanish) and
Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científi-
cas y Técnicas (CONICET, for its acronym in
Spanish) for providing financial support.
Cecilia Margaría: identification of sam-
ples of Platygastroidea, preparation of manu-
script. Peter Neerup Buhl: identification of
samples of Platygastroidea. Daniel Alejan-
dro Aquino: monitoring, identification and
photography of Platygastroidea samples. E.
nica Ricci: supervision, preparation of
manuscript, monitoring and species identi-
To the best of our knowledge there are
not conflict of interest among the authors or
with third parties.
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