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GEM is implemented using two pilot programs. The programs are evs which is a command line application that runs the GEM method, and, once an analysis is done, can be used to prepare simple maps based on found reconstructions. The second program ev-view, is a GUI based program, that allows an interactive vizualization of one or more reconstructions.

evs and ev-view Windows binaries (32 bits), includes gtk-runtime.

evs and ev-view Linux binaries (64 bits).

Before running ev-view, make sure that your system provides GTK+ 2 support. Windows users can download the GTK runtime library here. Linux users can download the gtk-bin library from their preferred repository, systems based on GNOME desktop system (such as Ubuntu or Debian) have the GTK library already included.

Source code

evs source code is written in go, and it is available in GitHub: github.com/js-arias/evs.

ev-view code is written in C, and it is available in GitHub: github.com/js-arias/ev-view. If you want to compile it, make sure you have gtk-dev library (available here, Linux user can download it from its preferred repository).

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